Uses of Interface

Uses of Probe in net.sf.jperfprobe

Classes in net.sf.jperfprobe that implement Probe
 class DefaultProbe
          DefaultProbe implements a Probe.

Methods in net.sf.jperfprobe that return Probe
static Probe StaticProbeManager.getProbeInstance(String probeName)
          Get instance of a named probe, if it is non existent, a default probe will be created.
 Probe ProbeManagerImpl.getProbeInstance(String probeName)
          Get instance of a named probe, if it is non existent, a default probe will be created.
 Probe ProbeManager.getProbeInstance(String probeName)
          Get instance of a named probe, if it is non existent, a probe will be created.
 Probe Result.getSingleProbe()
          Get the singleprobe, there is then only one instance of a probe
static Probe StaticProbeManager.start(String probeName)
          Start probe, identified by probeName, if the probe does not exist, it will be created.
 Probe ProbeManagerImpl.start(String probeName)
          Start probe, identified by probeName, if the probe does not exist, it will be created.
 Probe ProbeManager.start(String probeName)
          Start probe, identified by probeName, if the probe does not exist, it will be created.
static Probe StaticProbeManager.startSingle(String probeName)
 Probe ProbeManagerImpl.startSingle(String probeName)
 Probe ProbeManager.startSingle(String probeName)
          Start probe, this probe is global for all threads, no thread private

Methods in net.sf.jperfprobe with parameters of type Probe
static void StaticProbeManager.addSampleFromProbe(Probe p)
          Add a sample from a probe.
 void ProbeManagerImpl.addSampleFromProbe(Probe p)
          Add a sample from a probe.
 void ProbeManager.addSampleFromProbe(Probe p)
          Add a sample from a probe.
static void StaticProbeManager.put(String probeName, Probe probe)
          Put a probe into the manager, if the probe exist it will be overwritten.
 void ProbeManagerImpl.put(String probeName, Probe probe)
          Put a probe into the manager, if the probe exist it will be overwritten.
 void ProbeManager.put(String probeName, Probe probe)
          Put a probe into the manager, if the probe exist it will be overwritten.
 void Result.setSingleProbe(Probe singleProbe)

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