1   /* ==========================================
2    * JperfProbe : Java Performance Probes
3    * ==========================================
4    *
5    * Project Info:  http://jperfprobe.sourceforge.net/
6    * Project Lead:  Tor-Erik Larsen (http://sourceforge.net/users/uptime62)
7    *
8    * (C) Copyright 2005, by Tor-Erik Larsen and Contributors.
9    *
10   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11   * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12   * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
13   * (at your option) any later version.
14   *
15   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16   * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
17   * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
18   * License for more details.
19   *
20   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21   * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
22   * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23   */
24  package net.sf.jperfprobe;
26  import static org.junit.Assert.*;
27  import org.junit.*;
28  import org.slf4j.*;
30  import java.util.*;
31  import java.util.concurrent.*;
34  public class ProbeManagerTest {
35      final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProbeManagerTest.class);
37      private ProbeManager probeManager;
39      @Before
40      public void setUp() throws Exception {
41          probeManager = new ProbeManager();
42          probeManager.clear();
43          probeManager.setPresentation(ProbeManager.Presentation.MILLIS);
44      }
46      @Test
47      public void testGetInstance() {
48          probeManager.start("Instance");
49          Probe probe = probeManager.getProbeInstance("Instance");
51          assertNotNull("probe should not be null", probe);
53          Probe probe2 = probeManager.getProbeInstance("Instance");
55          assertSame("Probe should be same", probe, probe2);
56          Probe probe3 = probeManager.getProbeInstance("Hjalla");
57          assertNotSame("probe should not be same", probe, probe3);
58      }
60      @Test
61      public void testClear() {
62          Probe probe = probeManager.getProbeInstance("Instance");
63          probeManager.clear();
64          Probe probe2 = probeManager.getProbeInstance("Instance");
65          assertNotSame("Should not be same", probe, probe2);
66      }
68      @Test
69      public void testPut() {
70          Probe probe = new DefaultProbe("probe");
71          probeManager.put("probe", probe);
72          Probe probe2 = probeManager.getProbeInstance("probe");
73          assertSame("probe should be same", probe, probe2);
74      }
76      @Test
77      public void testDisableAll() {
78          Probe ener = probeManager.getProbeInstance("ENER");
79          Probe toer = probeManager.getProbeInstance("TOER");
80          Probe treer = probeManager.getProbeInstance("TREER");
82          assertTrue("probe should be enabled", ener.isEnabled());
83          assertTrue("probe should be enabled", toer.isEnabled());
84          assertTrue("probe should be enabled", treer.isEnabled());
85          probeManager.disableAll();
86          assertFalse("probe should be disabled", ener.isEnabled());
87          assertFalse("probe should be disabled", toer.isEnabled());
88          assertFalse("probe should be disabled", treer.isEnabled());
89      }
91      @Test
92      public void testRunning() {
93          Probe p1 = probeManager.start("ENER");
94          Probe probe = probeManager.getProbeInstance("ENER");
95          assertTrue("Probe should have status running", probe.isRunning());
96          probeManager.stop("ENER");
97          assertFalse("Probe should have status not running", probe.isRunning());
98          Probe probe2 = probeManager.getProbeInstance("testRunning");
99          assertFalse("Probe should have status not running", probe2.isRunning());
100     }
102     @Test
103     public void testEnable() {
104         Probe p1 = probeManager.getProbeInstance("p1");
105         assertTrue("DefaultProbe p1 should be default enabled", p1.isEnabled());
106         p1.disable();
107         assertFalse("DefaultProbe p1 should be disabled", p1.isEnabled());
108         p1.enable();
109         assertTrue("DefaultProbe p1 should be enabled", p1.isEnabled());
110         Probe p2 = probeManager.getProbeInstance("p2");
111         probeManager.disableAll();
112         assertFalse("DefaultProbe p1 should be disabled", p1.isEnabled());
113         assertFalse("DefaultProbe p2 should be disabled", p1.isEnabled());
114         probeManager.enableAll();
115         assertTrue("DefaultProbe p1 should be enabled", p1.isEnabled());
116         assertTrue("DefaultProbe p2 should be enabled", p1.isEnabled());
117     }
119     @Test
120     public void testNames() {
121         probeManager.start("EN");
122         probeManager.start("TO");
123         probeManager.start("TRE");
124         probeManager.stop("EN");
125         probeManager.stop("TO");
126         probeManager.stop("TRE");
128         Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
129         set.add("EN");
130         set.add("TO");
131         set.add("TRE");
133         for (String name : probeManager.getNames()) {
134             assertTrue("wrong name", set.contains(name));
135         }
136     }
138     public void testAddSamplesFromProbe() {
139         MockTime mt = new MockTime();
141         DefaultProbe p = new DefaultProbe("BALUBA", mt);
142         mt.setTime(0);
143         p.start();
144         mt.setTime(10);
145         p.stop();
146         probeManager.addSampleFromProbe(p);
147         Result result = probeManager.getResult("BALUBA");
148         assertEquals("wrong average", 10.0, result.getAverage(), 0.0);
149         assertEquals("wrong max", 10.0, result.getMax(), 0.0);
150         assertEquals("wrong min", 10.0, result.getMin(), 0.0);
151     }
153     @Test
154     public void testStartStopInDifferentThreadsMultiP() throws Exception {
155         probeManager.setPresentation(ProbeManager.Presentation.NANOS);
156         final CountDownLatch doneSignal = new CountDownLatch(2);
157         final CountDownLatch synchLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
158         final MockTime mt = new MockTime();
159         probeManager.setTime(mt);
161         final Holder h = new Holder();
163         Thread t1 = new Thread() {
164             public void run() {
165                 mt.setTime(10);
166                 h.probe = probeManager.start("HOHO");
167                 doneSignal.countDown();
168                 synchLatch.countDown();
169                 System.out.println("balla:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
170             }
171         };
173         Thread t2 = new Thread() {
174             public void run() {
175                 try {
176                     synchLatch.await();
177                     mt.setTime(24);
178                     h.probe.stop();
179                     probeManager.addSampleFromProbe(h.probe);
181                     doneSignal.countDown();
182                     System.out.println("hjalla:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
183                 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
185                 }
186             }
188         };
190         t1.start();
191         t2.start();
193         doneSignal.await();
194         System.out.println(probeManager.toString("HOHO"));
195         assertEquals("wrong # samples", 1, probeManager.getResult("HOHO").getNSamples());
196         assertEquals("wrong max time", 14.0, probeManager.getResult("HOHO").getMax(), 0.0);
197         assertEquals("wrong min time", 14.0, probeManager.getResult("HOHO").getMin(), 0.0);
198         assertEquals("wrong avreage time", 14.0, probeManager.getResult("HOHO").getAverage(), 0.0);
199     }
201     @Test
202     public void testStartStopInDifferentThreads() throws Exception {
203         probeManager.setPresentation(ProbeManager.Presentation.NANOS);
204         final CountDownLatch doneSignal = new CountDownLatch(2);
205         final CountDownLatch synchLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
206         final MockTime mt = new MockTime();
207         probeManager.setTime(mt);
209         Thread t1 = new Thread() {
210             public void run() {
211                 mt.setTime(10);
212                 probeManager.startSingle("HOHO");
213                 System.out.println("t1:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
214                 synchLatch.countDown();
215                 doneSignal.countDown();
216             }
217         };
219         Thread t2 = new Thread() {
220             public void run() {
221                 try {
222                     synchLatch.await();
223                     mt.setTime(24);
224                     probeManager.stop("HOHO");
225                     System.out.println("t2:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
226                     doneSignal.countDown();
227                 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
229                 }
230             }
232         };
234         t1.start();
235         Thread.sleep(100);
236         t2.start();
238         doneSignal.await();
239         System.out.println(probeManager.toString("HOHO"));
240         Result res = probeManager.getResult("HOHO");
241         probeManager.getProbeInstance("HOHO");
242         assertEquals("wrong # samples", 1, res.getNSamples());
243         assertEquals("wrong max time", 14.0, res.getMax(), 0.0);
244         assertEquals("wrong min time", 14.0, res.getMin(), 0.0);
245         assertEquals("wrong avreage time", 14.0, res.getAverage(), 0.0);
246     }
248     @Test
249     public void testPresentation() {
250         probeManager.setPresentation(ProbeManager.Presentation.NANOS);
251         MockTime mt = new MockTime();
252         probeManager.setTime(mt);
253         mt.setTime(10);
254         probeManager.start("HJALLABALLA");
255         mt.setTime(22);
256         probeManager.stop("HJALLABALLA");
258         System.out.println(probeManager.toString("HJALLABALLA"));
259         System.out.println(probeManager.getResult("HJALLABALLA"));
260         probeManager.setPresentation(ProbeManager.Presentation.MICROS);
261         System.out.println(probeManager.toString("HJALLABALLA"));
262     }
264     @Test
265     public void testManyProbes() {
266         Random random = new Random();
268         int maxProbe = 100;
269         String probeName;
270         long startDur = 0L;
271         for (int i = 0; i < maxProbe; i++) {
272             probeName = "" + random.nextLong();
273             probeManager.start(probeName);
274             probeManager.stop(probeName);
275             probeManager.start(probeName);
276             probeManager.stop(probeName);
277             probeManager.start(probeName);
278             probeManager.stop(probeName);
279         }
281         probeManager.clear();
283         maxProbe = 1000;
284         startDur = 0L;
285         long stopDur = 0L;
286         for (int i = 0; i < maxProbe; i++) {
287             probeName = "" + random.nextLong();
288             long st = System.nanoTime();
289             probeManager.start(probeName);
290             startDur = startDur + System.nanoTime() - st;
291             st = System.nanoTime();
292             probeManager.stop(probeName);
293             stopDur = stopDur + System.nanoTime() - st;
294         }
295         System.out.println("avg start time new probe:" + startDur / maxProbe);
296         System.out.println("avg stop time new probe:" + stopDur / maxProbe);
298         probeManager.clear();
299         //System.gc();
301         startDur = 0L;
302         stopDur = 0L;
303         probeName = "per";
304         for (int i = 0; i < maxProbe; i++) {
305             long st = System.nanoTime();
306             probeManager.start(probeName);
307             startDur = startDur + System.nanoTime() - st;
308             st = System.nanoTime();
309             probeManager.stop(probeName);
310             stopDur = stopDur + System.nanoTime() - st;
311         }
312         System.out.println("avg start time existing probe:" + startDur / maxProbe);
313         System.out.println("avg stop time existing probe:" + stopDur / maxProbe);
315         probeManager.clear();
316         //System.gc();
318         startDur = 0L;
319         stopDur = 0L;
320         probeName = "perOle";
321         for (int i = 0; i < maxProbe; i++) {
322             long st = System.nanoTime();
323             probeManager.startSingle(probeName);
324             startDur = startDur + System.nanoTime() - st;
325             st = System.nanoTime();
326             probeManager.stop(probeName);
327             stopDur = stopDur + System.nanoTime() - st;
328         }
329         System.out.println("avg start time existing single probe:" + startDur / maxProbe);
330         System.out.println("avg stop time existing single probe:" + stopDur / maxProbe);
332         probeManager.clear();
333         //System.gc();
335         startDur = 0L;
336         stopDur = 0L;
337         long addSampleDur = 0L;
338         probeName = "ole";
339         for (int i = 0; i < maxProbe; i++) {
340             long st = System.nanoTime();
341             Probe p = probeManager.start(probeName);
342             startDur = startDur + System.nanoTime() - st;
343             st = System.nanoTime();
344             p.stop();
345             stopDur = stopDur + System.nanoTime() - st;
346             st = System.nanoTime();
347             probeManager.addSampleFromProbe(p);
348             addSampleDur = addSampleDur + System.nanoTime() - st;
350         }
351         System.out.println("avg start time existing probe:" + startDur / maxProbe);
352         System.out.println("avg stop time existing probe no lookup:" + stopDur / maxProbe);
353         System.out.println("avg addSample existing probe no lookup:" + addSampleDur / maxProbe);
356     }
358     static class Holder {
359         Probe probe;
360     }
361 }